Lubavitcher Yeshiva Celebrates Yud-Tes Kislev 

The halls of Tomchei Temimim radiated with the excitement of Yud-Tes Kislev, as Talmidim and staff marked Rosh Hashanah of Chassidus with uplifting Farbrengens. 

The energy of the day reverberated through every corner of the Yeshiva, as the talmidim connected to the Alter Rebbe’s Mesirus Nefesh and Chassidus.

Early Childhood Division  

The youngest Talmidim were swept up in the Yud-Tes Kislev spirit. At a warm and lively Farbrengen, the children sang the 12 פסוקים with enthusiasm, said לחיים, and enjoyed a special Yom Tov treat. They learned the miraculous story of the Alter Rebbe’s geulah and gazed in awe at a Tanya. Together, they danced and sang celebrating this special day.


For our preschoolers, Yud-Tes Kislev came alive in the most Chassidishe way. After giving צדקה, saying לחיים, and enjoying a festive treat, the Talmidim sat captivated as Morah Malkie shared the story of the Alter Rebbe’s arrest, imprisonment, and miraculous redemption. The yingelach brought the story to life, acting out scenes with a horse, wagon, and boat. Together, they sang פדה בשלום and danced with true simcha, absorbing the spirit of this historic day.

Kita Aleph – Kita Gimmel

The younger talmidim arrived at Yeshiva dressed in Shabbos clothing reflecting the holiness of the day. In the bustling hallways, some talmidim reviewed Tanya Baal Peh, while others discussed their Yud-Tes Kislev missions, Groups gathered around a talmid playing niggunim on a melodica, creating a spontaneous Farbrengen in the very heart of the Yeshiva.  

Following Shacharis, the younger grades gathered in the Yeshiva Ballroom for a Grand Seuda, Rabbi Turk inspired the talmidim with meaningful words as they learned about the profound significance of Yud-Tes Kislev. The room was alive with the sounds of Niggunim sung with a Chassidishe bren. The powerful words of Torah, Tefillah, and Tzedaka  together with a video of the Rebbe inspired the talmidim, further connecting them to the message of the day.

Kita Daled – Vov

For the older elementary grades, Yud-Tes Kislev began with a special limmud hachassidus, A spirited Shacharis, followed by a delicious, festive Seuda.  

The Talmidim were honored to hear from a special guest, Rabbi Blau, who addressed them with heartfelt words, highlighting the relevance of Yud-Tes Kislev in their lives and encouraging them to live with the teachings of Chassidus. The program concluded with the Talmidim singing Padah B’Shalom and the Alter Rebbe’s niggun, their voices rising with passion and joy as they connected to the Mesirus Nefesh of the Alter Rebbe.  

Kita Zayin – Ches – Mechina L’Mesivta

For the Talmidim of Mechina L’Mesivta, Yud-Tes Kislev was celebrated with a deeper intensity. Friday morning began with a chayusdike davening, followed by a festive seuda featuring a fancy breakfast. A heartfelt seder niggunim filled the room with warmth, Rabbi Simpson led an inspiring Farbrengen, sharing stories and insights that touched the talmidim deeply.  

Shabbos night brought a shturemdike Farbrengen for Kita Ches with Rabbi Scharf, while Shabbos morning featured a special shiur in Chassidus, elevating the Yom Tov atmosphere.  

The celebrations culminated Motzoei Shabbos with grade-specific Melave Malka Farbrengens. Kita Zayin gathered with Rabbi Hecht, while Kita Ches Farbrenged with Rabbi Raices. Each session left the talmidim inspired, uplifted, and connected to the timeless lessons of Yud-Tes Kislev.  

From the youngest children in Early Childhood to the bochurim of Mechina, the day was alive with the energy of Chassidus. Tomchei Temimim stands proud as a makom Torah and Chassidus, nurturing the next generation to live as true Chassidim.

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