First-Ever Junior Campus Shluchos Shabbaton Strengthens Connections and Builds Leadership
Alongside the recent Pegisha weekend, the first-ever Junior Campus Shluchos Shabbaton took place in Crown Heights, bringing together almost 60 “Junior Campus Shluchos”, ages 10 through 14, for an enriching and meaningful experience. For these young Shluchos on campus, the Shabbaton was an opportunity to deepen their connections with their own shlichus and their peers in a space focused entirely on them.
“As daughters of Chabad on Campus Shluchim, these girls are true soldiers in the Rebbe’s army,” said Rabbi Yossy Gordon, CEO of Chabad on Campus International. “This weekend was about giving them the opportunity to step away from the needs of their parents’ work and experience something just for them—a time to feel seen, inspired, and cared for.”
A Weekend of Inspiration and Connection
The Shabbaton opened Friday with the girls checking in and receiving their very own Chabad on Campus swag. After an opening program and meeting their counselors and friends, they joined the kick-off event of Pegisha 2024, where they enjoyed an inspiring and exciting performance by the one-of-a-kind Chassidic rapper Ari Lesser. The excitement continued with Kabbalas Shabbos at 770, followed by a visit to the Rebbe’s room.
The weekend was designed to help these young girls build on their proud identity as Shluchos in the field, offering opportunities for learning, bonding, and fun. Through farbrengens, activities, and a unique Seder Niggunim, they also built lasting friendships with peers who share common experiences as Junior Campus Shluchos on campus.
“I’ve always known what the Ohel is, but to be there with other girls who understand what it means to be a junior Shlucha?—it’s a whole different experience,” said one participant. “It made me feel even closer to my connection with the Rebbe.”
Indeed, one of the key moments of the Shabbaton was the carefully facilitated visit to the Ohel. The visit wasn’t just a chance to daven at this holy site, but an opportunity to reflect on the significance of the Rebbe in their own lives in a meaningful way. Staff and mentors guided the girls through the experience, helping them understand the Ohel’s deeper meaning.
Building Friendships and Having Fun
In addition to the spiritual and educational moments, the Shabbaton was full of fun and bonding. The girls enjoyed a lively post-Havdalah dance party, followed by a surprise bowling trip and a visit to the Ice Cream House. These moments of joy allowed the girls to unwind and form new friendships, giving them a chance to connect on a personal level in ways they don’t often get to in their respective shlichus locations.
The closing banquet provided a chance to reflect on the weekend’s experiences, with a focus on how to bring the inspiration back home. The girls took part in a Hachlatah Auction, where they committed to personal resolutions, and the weekend culminated with a final reflection at the Ohel.
“The Jr. Campus Shluchos Shabbaton was a wonderful success,” said Rabbi Avi Weinstein, COO of Chabad on Campus International. “The girls left Crown Heights with a sense of purpose and a stronger connection to the Rebbe, their Shlichus, and each other. This experience will stay with them as they continue to grow as young leaders.”