Workshops at Kinus Strengthen Bonds Among Shluchim Facing Similar Circumstances

Last week’s workshops at the International Kinus Hashluchim aimed to unite cohorts of Shluchim serving similar demographics. The in-depth seminars facilitated networking and served as educational platforms, emphasizing the Kinus’s pivotal role in supporting Shluchim through their unique Shlichusin.

Less than six months ago, a young couple Rabbi Shlomy and Batya Ceitlin packed their bags to move across the country and dedicate their lives to the Rebbe’s holy work. Since then, the Ceitlins have begun to create the only Jewish community infrastructure in Surprise, Arizona. Last weekend, Rabbi Ceitlin attended the International Conference of Shluchim in New York, together with thousands of fellow emissaries from across the globe.

On the first day of the conference, the young Rabbi was met with a vast array of comprehensive seminars aimed at Shluchim serving various demographics within the Jewish community. Some of the tracks included: The Wellness Summit organized by JLI and Chabad on Call focused on mental health and senior care; The Youth Summit, for kids and teens program directors; Chabad on Campus; Chabad Young Professionals Seminar; a seminar for Shluchim who cater to Israelis in the diaspora and The “Newer Shluchim” Track, which Ceitlin helped spearhead.

Taking place just days after the murder of a fellow Shliach in a terrorist attack, this year’s conference came with added intensity, “I knew Rabbi Tzvi Kogan personally for many years,” recounts Ceitlin. “So when I heard the tragic news that he was murdered, the Kinus took on new importance. Gathering together with our community of fellow young Shluchim where we encouraged each other as one, was incredibly impactful.”

Held at Crown Heights’ Agudah Shul, The “Newer Shluchim” Track offered a full day of candid conversations and practical wisdom for those just beginning their mission. Young Shluchim like Rabbi Ceitlin found themselves surrounded by peers who understood the unique challenges of establishing Jewish infrastructure in new communities. From creating meaningful first connections to navigating the early years of community building, veteran Shluchim opened their hearts and shared insights.

“For Shluchim in the early years of founding communities, the opportunity to learn from experienced Shluchim how to best set up a shlichus promotes healthy habits and prevents a steeper learning curve further down the line,” said Rabbi Simcha Backman, Shliach in Glendale, California, and Kinus organizing committee member. 

A few blocks away at The Arches, Youth engagement served as a critical focus, where CTeen and CKids Shluchim at The Youth Summit explored how to reach today’s young Jewish families. Creating spaces where young people can discover their Jewish identity, feel deeply connected, and find meaning in actively giving back to others, is paramount to Jewish Youth education.

Meanwhile, in Ulam Chana, The Wellness Summit organized by The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) and Merkos 302’s Chabad on Call brought together Shluchim who focus on those under medical care and seniors. Inspired by the Rebbe’s teachings about the inherent value of every individual. This track explored ways to engage and support community members, ensuring no one feels forgotten or left behind. Additionally, a series of workshops focused on empowering Shluchim with the fundamentals of Mental and Emotional wellbeing education. 

For Israeli expats scattered across the globe, Merkos 302’s Chabad For Israelis International track focused on maintaining a connection to Jewish identity for Hebrew speakers in the diaspora, addressing the needs of Israelis living abroad. Shluchim shared strategies for creating a home away from home, especially in these difficult times.

“These cohorts are about breaking through the walls of the individual experience and creating a truly supportive community,” said Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302 and Director of the International Conference of Shluchim.

The seminars concluded with focused farbrengens for each group of Shluchim from CTeen to Chabad Young Professionals, Chabad For Israelis International, and the “Newer Shluchim”. Rabbi Yisroel Deren, head Shliach of Western and Southern New England, farbrenged for the new shluchim, sharing words of comforting support. He emphasized that as challenging as the initial steps may be, one must keep doing more, and the success to follow is unlimited. Taking part in The Rebbe’s initiatives is the ultimate vessel for blessing, he explained.

Credit: Nehoray Edri/Itzik Belenitzki –

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