Kollel Anash Releases New Volume In Acclaimed Kovetz Series
Kollel Anash of Crown Heights has released a new volume of the acclaimed series Kovetz Iyunim called Orchos Mishpat. Previous installments of the Kovetz quickly became popular and were sought after by Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshiva and those who study Halacha.
The new volume, Orchos Mishpat, is distinct in that it completely focuses on the topic of Choshen Mishpat – the laws of deception in business practices, excessive pricing and unfair competition.
The volume contains four unique sections:
* Biurim – explanations on the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch and Kuntres Achron. The explanations point out innovative ideas and precise language used by the Alter Rebbe.
* Iyunim – in depth and broad discussions of the Alter Rebbe and Tzemach Tzedek’s opinions.
* Piskei Dinim – a clear and concise collection of all the Halachic decisions of the Alter Rebbe and Tzemach Tzedek, organized in the order of the Shulchan Aruch Mechaber. This section also includes notes with comparisons to the Halachic decisions of other Poskim.
* Tochen uMafteiach – a unique index to all the Tzemach Tzedek’s explanations, organized according to the order of the Shulchan Aruch Mechaber. The index makes it easy to find where the Tzemach Tzedek discusses specific points brought in Shulchan Aruch Mechaber.
The kovetz was produced by the Choshen Mishpat division of Kollel Anash. This division consists of yungeleit dedicated full time to the study of Choshen Mishpat. After thorough review of the material, the yungeleit are tested by Rabbi Yisroel Fischer, Rosh Kollel Tiferes Shimshon of Yerushalayim.
The kovetz is named Tiferes Shimshon in memory of R’ Shimshon Fischer z”l, father of Rabbi Dovid Fischer, Rov of Congregation Anash and patron of the Kollel. May he and his family be gebentched with an abundance of good בגשמיות וברוחניות.
For the past twelve years, Kollel Anash has been dedicated to assisting young married men master the laws of Shabbos and Taharas Mishpachah. The halachos are studied in depth; from the sources in Gemara and Rishonim all the way down to halacha lemaaseh. The Kollel also has a unique three-year track for studying the halachos of Choshen Mishpat.
Kollel Anash is located at Congregation Anash 770 Montgomery Street and is under the leadership of Rabbi Michoel Lerner.
The Kovetz Iyunim series is available at seforim stores at cost price and can also be purchased online via Amazon or Seforimplace.com.
To download the new volume, click here.