Singer Aryeh Kunstler Dedicated Song To Lubavitcher Boruch Thaler OBM
Singer Aryeh Kustler released a personal rendition of Ani Ledodi in honor of Lubavitcher Baruch Thaler OBM.
“Last week the world lost an incredible person @baruchjeanthaler,” Kustler wrote on Instagram. “I only had the opportunity to spend time with him twice but he was one of those people that made you feel like they knew you forever. One of the things that drew me in to him were his niggunim. Baruch wrote some beautiful and deep songs and this one is my favorite of his. This haunting melody always gives me chills and I was fortunate to hear him sing it in person. I felt it was important to share a well recorded version of this song and hopefully others so that the world can see his light. May his memory be a blessing.”