Chabad Shlucha Selflessly Donates Kidney, 5th Kidney Donor In Her Family
An unnamed Chabad Shlucha has taken Chesed to the next level today by donating a kidney to a fellow Jew. Uniquely, she marks the fifth person in her family to donate a kidney.
“Today’s donor is a Chabad Shlucha, a dedicated wife and mother who selflessly serves her community,” Renewal wrote. “With all her responsibilities, it’s hard to imagine how she found the time to donate a kidney, yet when she learned that someone was in need, she didn’t hesitate. Remarkably, she is the fifth Renewal kidney donor within her extended family.”
Her recipient is also deeply committed to his community in Florida. He volunteers with multiple organizations and has played a vital role in the growth of the Miami Jewish community, according to Renewal.
“Through today’s generous act, the recipient will, bez”H, have the renewed strength to continue helping his community and be there for his family for many years to come,” they wrote.
Please say Tehillim for the speedy recovery of the donor: Rochel Leah bas Raizel, and the recipient: Aryeh Leib ben Leah.