Camp Lman Achai Holds Hike Reunion
This past Sukkos on Sunday of Chol Hamoed Campers and Staff gathered for the Camp Lman Achai reunion. The excitement on everyone’s face reminds us of the importance of making these programs happen.
It all began with the staff heading out to all parts of the NYC and the Tri State area to pick up campers from the meet up locations. This was finally happening after lots of planning Led by Head Counselor Levik Silverstien and Many of the camp staff reaching out to their campers to encourage them to join. Then after spending the first few days with Mivtza lulav and dancing at simchas Beis Hashoevah through the night… Finally we all arrived at the reunion Location. After Making sure all the campers had an opportunity to shake Lulav and Esrog, the program began with a beautiful hike, which made everyone feel like they were back at camp with friends again.
On the hike, many of the campers were able to catch up with staff as well as their friends from camp. The hike provided many spectacular views of the Hudson River valley and was a nice and trilling challenge for staff and campers.
One of the highlights was taking turns making a Brocha inside a pop-up Sukkah, and despite it being a snug 4-by-4-foot space, the boys were thrilled, squeezing in and enjoying themselves together.
After the hike, they headed to Chabad of Tenafly (special thanks to Rabbi Shain), where they enjoyed an incredible BBQ and farbrengen with delicious food, stories and lots of singing. Rabbi Nosson Kuperman, a staff alumni, shared inspiring stories about the mesiras nefesh many Yidden had in Russia. The program finished with watching camp videos, everyone reminiscing and sharing memories. It was a heartfelt, fun, and amazing get-together that reminded us of the special bond we all share. And that in just eight Months we will meet again in Camp Lman Achai!