Annual gathering of Chabad House directors in Moscow concludes successfully
In an uplifting atmosphere following Sukkot and Simchat Torah, the annual gathering of Chabad House directors in Moscow was held this week in the town of Istra, 40 kilometers west of the Russian capital.
The rabbis gathered for two days at the large campus of the yeshiva ketana, where they discussed halachic and communal topics, addressing challenges faced by the rabbis and administrators of their institutions. The participants also attended lectures by various experts, aiming to strengthen and develop their communities, which serve thousands of Jews across Moscow’s many neighborhoods.
A sense of excitement filled the room when Rabbi Mordechai Weisberg, director of the Jewish community and head of Chabad Houses in Moscow, warmly welcomed Rabbi Zev Korbsky, who was recently appointed as a new shliach (emissary) in the Pushkino neighborhood. The appointment follows his more than 40 years of dedicated service, during which he was the first shliach to establish a Jewish school in Russia and has been a prominent community activist ever since.
Russian Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, the founder and head of Jewish institutions in Russia, discussed halachic issues and gave encouragement to the participants in their dedicated work. He explained his decision during Simchat Torah to bolster Jewish activities, adding rabbis and shluchim, especially focusing on expanding Torah classes across the city.
Rabbi Alexander Boroda, president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, spoke about the importance of having all activities adhere to legal and judicial guidelines so that they will continue to receive, with Hashem’s help, government support and recognition. The Russian government has consistently supported and encouraged the growth of the Jewish community for more than 20 years.
The rabbis and dayanim (judges) of Russia’s Chief Rabbinate answered questions from the rabbis, leading to lengthy discussions on various halachic issues, alongside hitvaduot (chassidic gatherings) that lasted hours and lifted the participants’ spirits. The inspiration received from Sukkot and Simchat Torah will continue to be felt in the days and months ahead in the spirit of “And Yaakov went on his way.”
At the end of the successful gathering, the participants expressed their appreciation to the event’s organizer, Rabbi Mordechai Weisberg, and to Rabbi Yaakov Klein, a member of the Chabad Moscow administration board and rabbi of the Arbat community.
Photo: Levi Nazarov