Eshel’s English Division: Panel Marks 50 Years of Mivtzah Neshek

Over 150 English-speaking bochurim gathered for a special panel commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Rebbe’s launch of the Neiros Shabbos Kodesh (Neshek) campaign. The event, organized by Eshel Hachnosas Orchim’s English Department, was held in the tent near 770.

Esteemed speakers graced the event, sharing their wisdom and experience with the crowd of Tmimim. Among them were Rabbi Berel Levin, Rabbi Michael Seligson, and Rabbi Yisroel Noach Lipsker, each offering a unique perspective on this vital campaign. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Yusewitz skillfully moderated the panel, guiding the discussions with warmth and insight.

The bochurim were treated to a comprehensive overview of the Neshek campaign, from its early days to its practical application in today’s world. Speakers emphasized how this holy mission continues to illuminate Jewish homes and hasten the coming of Moshiach, highlighting in this context the words of the well-known niggun that Chabad Chassidim sing regarding the Rebbe’s campaigns: “”והוא יוליכנו בטנקים לארצנו, עם המבצעים ונש”ק בידינו, יבוא ויגאלנו”.

As the event concluded, participants left with renewed enthusiasm for Mivtza Neshek and strengthened resolve to continue all of the Rebbe’s holy campaigns, with everyone focused on the main point – how this leads to greeting Moshiach Tzidkeinu, speedily in our days!

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