All But One of The Bochurim Facing Charges Over 770 Tunnel Rebuff Plea Deal Offer That Would Ban Them From 770
by CrownHeights.info
We can all think of examples of a Chossid Shoite, and this may soon become one of those go to stories.
Of the thirteen bochurim facing charges stemming from the altercation with police following the discovery of the illegal excavations taking place under the women’s section of 770, all but one have declined a plea deal that would see them banned from 770 for three years. Instead, they plan to face down the possibility of a trial and up to a seven-year jail term.
“Being banned from 770 for three years is worse than jail,” one of the defendants, Yaakov Rothchild, told the New York Post in Hebrew through a translator. Apparently, no one explained to them that visiting 770 while incarcerated isn’t really possible.
According to the Post, the plea agreement would have most defendants pleading down to fourth-degree criminal mischief, a misdemeanor, in exchange for no jail time. They would have instead faced a three year ban from 770 and either 20 days of community service or $5,000 in restitution.
Only Menachem Molekandov, one of the bochurim on trial who is presently in Israel and has a warrant our for his arrest, is considering taking the prosecution’s deal, according to his attorney Levi Huebner.
During a virtual hearing Molekandov said to the judge that “Your honor, I just want you to know — since I’m unable to go to the United States, there’s no way for me to dig any tunnels,” as a way of responding to the judge’s concern that if he were to accept the plea deal he may return to his “digging” ways.
According to the Post, Molekandov’s plea was on hold as the judge wanted to ensure that his community service was sufficient.
All defendants are due back in court November 14th with the possibility of a trial in January.
Great! now not only will Lubabs be visiting Jews that are incarcerated. But they can visit Jews that they raised and educated that they placed in prison. How can it get better than that
How it can make sense?
Maybe they don’t think they will actually end up in jail (it is just a possibility) and if they do, maybe it will be less than 3 years.
Place that against the certainty of being banned for 3 years.
This is sad. I truly hope in the light of what’s happening in Israel, etc. where Rachamim Rabim is needed for most of us, that their judgements will be lienent.
Now you know how sick and perverted the meshichistim are and what everlasting
Cool aide Handel has bestowed on his students.
One tree does not a forest make