Simchas Torah Medley From Eli Marcus

Listen to this newly released Chabad Medley from the Simchas HaTorah album by Eli Marcus.

1. The Rebbe’s Hakafa Nigun – This nigun was sung during the first and seventh hakafos which were traditionally given to the Rebbe. (Nigun Rikud, SH”N No. 165)

2. Al Hasela Hoch – The words for this nigun are from Tefilas Geshem which is said in Musaf of Shemini Atzeres. This lively nigun is sung throughout Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah. (SH”N No. 163)

3. Vechol Karnei – At the Shavuos farbrengen of 5703 (1943), the Rebbe Rayatz turned to one of the elder chassidim and said, “If you have a ‘flam fierdign nigun’, let it be sung!” This nigun was sung with great passion. (SH”N No. 161)

4. Nigun Rikud M’Nikolayev – In the past, this nigun was referred to as “The Rebbe’s Nigun” and later “Nigun Hiskashrus”, as it was very dear to, and sung very frequently by the Rebbe. This nigun originates from the Charitonov’s, the legendary family of Chabad composers from Nikolayev. (SH”N No. 167)

5. R’ Levik’s Nigun – This joyous and uplifting tune was sung by Rav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, the Rov of Yekatrinoslav (today Dnipro, Ukraine), and father of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. According to his tradition, this nigun was sung at the Alter Rebbe’s hakafos. (Nigun L’hakafos, SH”N No. 185)

6. Ashreinu – This melody traces back to the earliest generations of Chabad, and is matched to the words of “Ashreinu”, as well as “Hallelu” sung in Hallel. Although this nigun is not part of the hakofos tradition, it was spontaneously sung at the end of hakafos as an expression of tremendous gratitude and appreciation for having merited sharing in the Rebbe’s hakafos. (Nigun Simcha, SH”N No. 152)

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