Our Rabbis Talking about Levi’s Torah
Dear Friends,
As we approach the first Yartzheit of our beloved son, Levi A”H, on Shabbat Shuva, 3 Tishri (Tzom Gedalya), October 5, we invite you to honor his memory through the words of those who cherished him.
We are grateful to share heartfelt messages from Rabbi Dovid Banon, Rabbi Moshe New, Rabbi Zalman Kaplan, and Rabbi Mendy Benshimon, all honoring Levi’s spirit and legacy.
In Levi’s memory, please consider:
• Studying Mishnayot: LeviFoundation.org/Mishnayos
• Giving Tzedakah before Yom Tov-Shabbos
• Committing to an extra mitzvah
Additionally, you can participate in the writing of a Sefer Torah at LeviFoundation.org/SeferTorah
(Please include your first name and your mother’s Hebrew name).
Wishing you a good and sweet year ahead.
Warm regards,
Rabbi Dovid and Devorah Leah Lewin
Levi Hakohen Ben Dovid Yissochor Tzvi – לע״נ לוי בן יבדלחט״א דוד יששכר צבי הכהן