EmBRace Magazine, Issue #17 Released

“The mikvah panel and tour was over, but one woman lingered behind the excited crowd. I had never met her before, but she looked like she wanted to talk – and so we did. Irina, as she introduced herself, shared that she and her husband were both Jewish, but they’d only had a Reform chuppah, and so she’d never been to the mikvah. When she saw the flyer for this event, she wanted to attend and learn more about this mitzvah. Irina and her husband had been married for four years already, and still hadn’t been blessed with a child. She’d had multiple miscarriages, and they were under the impression that her body was incapable of holding a pregnancy to term.

“Irina!” I told her, “I would be so happy to learn with you, and I’m already so excited! I’m sure that you’re going to become a mother very soon!” Irina was interested in mikvah, but skeptical about my words. After all, her past experience had shown that she wouldn’t be able to have a child…”

Read the rest of Irina’s story and more in this edition of EmBRace.

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