& IJSS To Host Live Webinar Discussing How to Change Culture on Campus

This coming Monday at 8:00pm, and the Institute of Jewish Spirituality & Society will be hosting a live online webinar on the topic of changing culture on campus.

The discussion will be moderated by Michael Wexler, co-author of Social Vision, and will be presented by IJSS Fellow and Stanford University Professor Ariel Evan Mayse, Contributing Editor and co-author of Social VisionEli Rubin, and Sonoma State Dean Elaine Sneierson Leeder, who is a cousin of the Rebbe.

Together they will explore how Jewish mysticism and Hasidic teachings are transformative, and how sharing this with academic leaders will impact campus culture and can be world-changing.

This powerful hour will lean on the wisdom of Chai Elul, a holiday celebrating the birthdays of the Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidism, and Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the first Chabad Rebbe. The discussion will touch upon the effect of their great light onto the darker spiritual corners of society.

To register for the free webinar, click here or visit

Event information

Date & time: Monday, Sep 30 at 8:00pm

Location: Online

Cost: Free of charge

Photos of speakers are attached along with their titles

Event social media post & photos from IJSS conferences are attached

About IJSS

The  Institute of Jewish Spirituality & Society believes that transformative scholarship leads to transformative social progress.

Our mission is to advance scholarship and social transformation, bringing Jewish spiritual knowledge to bear on the toughest challenges of contemporary society. We break down the barriers between spheres of knowledge and practice, enabling long-term collaboration among scholars, social researchers, and human services practitioners.

Over the course of more than a decade, a series of meetings, conferences, fellowships and public events have brought together a growing network of scholars, educators, communal leaders and students from a spectrum of prestigious institutions and a plurality of points of view. Our interests converge at the nexus of sociology, psychology, education, comparative religion, and mysticism, with specific emphasis on the living spiritual traditions of Judaism. Our vision is to bridge different spheres of knowledge and practice, to bring compelling scholarship to public audiences, and to accelerate personal, social, and cultural progress.

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