Lubavitcher Was Needle In A Haystack Match For Kidney Donation, She Went the Extra Mile
by CrownHeights.info
Imagine getting that phone call. You are a needle-in-a-haystack match for a woman in need of a kidney transplant, and she lives in Toronto. What would you do?
For Esty, a Lubavitch woman living in Monsey, NY, the answer was obvious. Having long dreamt of donating a kidney, she had swabbed at a past Renewal event. About a year ago, she received the phone call from Renewal, informing her that she was a match – the “needle in the haystack” – for a woman in Toronto. Despite her busy schedule as a wife, mother to five children, and teacher, Esty was willing to make the added sacrifice and go that literal extra mile to make this out-of-town donation possible.
Danielle, is a wife and proud mother of three sons. Her doctor told her that due to her high antibodies, her chance of ever finding a compatible kidney match was almost 0%. However, thanks to Renewal’s extensive search with their advanced technology, a match was miraculously found in Esty.
Danielle and Esty met for the first time at the hospital a week before surgery while undergoing pre operative tests. Danielle heartfeltly thanked Esty for giving her a new lease on life, while Esty thanked her for giving her the opportunity to perform this huge mitzvah.
The Kidney donation was completed yesterday, September 24th.
Please say Tehillim for the complete Refuah of the donor Esther Bracha bas Leah Nomi, and recipient Daniella Naomi Bas Aida.