In First, Tanya is Translated Into Chinese
Imagine living in a world where knowledge of G-d’s unity permeates the consciousness of billions of people. A world of goodness, faith, and peace. Yes, even in the farthest corners of it!
Moshiach told the Baal Shem Tov: “I will come when your wellsprings – the teachings of Chassidus – are spread outwards.”
This is exactly why we’ve finished what seemed impossible: the first-ever-translation of the Alter Rebbe’s Tanya: “Gate of Unity & Faith” into Chinese! We are now ready to share its light with the world!
Now, more than ever, we need your help to spread the light of Chassidus OUTWARDS!
Your donation will enable us to:
✨Publish – Tanya’s “Gate of Unity & Faith” in hardcover print
✨Post – online: Chabad.org, Podcast, Kindle, Social Media
✨Teach – the holy Tanya through online classes in Chinese
✨Transform – countless lives across the globe!
Together, we can reach an immense amount of people, who are thirsty for wisdom, meaning, and light bringing the Redemption that much closer!
Rabbi Mattisyahu Trusch is the founder and executive director of Wellsprings Global, and oversees the team of Chinese translators in Israel, Europe and USA. Matt earned a masters degree from Harvard University in Chinese Studies, and spent 15 years of his career living and working in Asia. Matt also co-hosts the Gate of Trust Podcast, and pioneers TRUST 101.
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Need Tanya in Arabic
Already exists, since the 1970s.
Need mashpiq
I am sure you have learned the introduction to Tanya which teaches that one must have a proper mashpia to address any possible misunderstandings from the text
It does not teach that. Have your mashpia teach you
It is encouraging to see Sefer Tanya Kadishah translated (in part) into Chinese. This must have been a challenging project, so it is commendable that it has been completed! The cover design seems to be in line with Chinese book design, making the book more accessible to Chinese readers. This demonstrates that the publishers have given the book their full attention. Very special! Thank you!