Be a Jew of the Future: Rabbi Korn in New Podcast
As a shliach and mentor to thousands of people who come through the doors of his Chabad House in the heart of New York City, Rabbi Dov Yonah Korn has noticed a major shift in their outlook. Despite the prevalent confusion and misplaced passion, they’re thirsty for fresh energy, for deeper meaning and purpose.
“Where is Judaism going and meant to take us? Are we ready to move forward? Teshuva is the advancement of our core, and every living thing must grow,” Rabbi Korn says in a newly released The Alef in Conversation Podcast for the month of Elul, a project of Merkos 302’s Moshiach Office.
Rabbi Korn shares an empowering twist on the concept of Teshuva: how to tap into one’s inner identity and run with it. “I truly feel from my experience on the ground and from the Rebbe’s Sichos that the greatest Teshuva is to believe in your capacity to change the world. Be optimistic about your ability to have a real connection with Hashem.”
Rabbi Levik Gourarie, Podcast Host and Director of The Alef, says, “Over the past 20 weeks, The Alef’s leaflets have reached over 800 subscribers who have been delving into different concepts relating to Moshiach, with the last few lessons discussing Tzedaka, Tefilah, and Teshuva, and how they relate to Moshiach.”
The podcast serves as a supplement to the weekly “The Alef” release where guests delve into a select topic and bring it to life.
In this third episode of the podcast Rabbi Korn’s insights make Teshuva accessible and doable in today’s world.
Listen, watch and share the podcast: https://youtu.be/TjHWf88oEqc?feature=shared
Sign up to receive the weekly Alef’s HERE
Learn the “Return to Self” the Alef paper about teshuva here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rqjvhj9t36mo8ducnaiws/The-Alef-17-Read-to-Self-READ.pdf?rlkey=66or7912aottsiz3cf1rqrj4c&st=d9ao0f9u&dl=0
Print it out here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e9lqssjdvaphbi0qlr0r6/The-Alef-17-Return-to-Self-PRINT.pdf?rlkey=z400v9bs2xhir0z26h28r9eab&st=6asasc2g&dl=0
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