MyShliach Welcomes New School Year By Unveiling State of The Art New Platform
The global community for young shluchim has a new home. Gone are the days of scattered emails and Zoom links, MyShliach now boasts an immersive new platform centralizing all their programs and enabling young shluchim to engage with each other in style. Each parent and child has a personalized dashboard where they can log in, view a calendar overview of their upcoming programs, and connect with ease.
Programs include the flagship Ach and Achos Sheli chavrusa program which pairs young Shluchim with student volunteers; the Mishnayos Ba’al Peh program where parents monitor their children’s progress and log it, building towards exciting rewards; Yeshivas Erev timezone-grouped Zoom learning sessions lead by capable volunteers; farbrengen broadcasts for Yoma D’Pagra; an annual regional Shabbaton with fellow yaldei hashluchim nearby; and many more.
“MyShliach’s goal has always been to connect young shluchim with a global community of friends, through Torah learning and innovative programs,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, executive director of Merkos 302. “This state-of-the-art platform helps us bring the mission to life, making it easier for families to access programs that nurture their growth in Torah, a deep appreciation for the mission they represent, and a sense of belonging in the beautiful international community they are a part of.”
When a young boy or girl growing up on shlichus logs in to their new MyShliach.com account, they’re greeted by a vibrant dashboard filled with upcoming programs. With just a click, they can join their favorite programs like Yeshivas Erev, update their Mishnayos Ba’al Peh standings, see who’s joining their local Shabbos Tzuzamen, or connect with their peers.
Strengthening the communal spirit of the programs, users can view what events and programs other Yaldei Hashluchim are signed up for. In a community whose members are geographically distant from one another, the connection through their shared Torah experiences is enhanced by its use of modern technology.
MyShliach’s “Birthday Zone” enables Yaldei Hashluchim to celebrate their big day in chassidishe style. It includes a time-relevant Dvar Torah to share at the Birthday farbrengen, a card with the birthday minhagim, a Sweet Expressions gift card for their next visit to Crown Heights, and more. As new features are constantly being developed on the new platform, young shluchim in the celebrant’s network will be notified of their birthday too, reminding them to wish their friend a hearty mazal tov.
A champion of positive reinforcement, MyShliach’s programs are generously sprinkled with prizes and raffles. The new site integrates the existing points-based rewards system, allowing young Shluchim to purchase prizes online. with their accumulated points. Yaldei Hashluchim can now purchase prizes online and keep track of their delivery on the website too.
Parents, too, can link multiple children’s accounts, allowing parents to monitor their kids’ schedules, and log their participation in the extensive programs. A group of parents participated in a beta test run of the website last year, exclusively for the Mishnayos Bal Peh program, with great feedback. Tracking the lines learned, and knowledge accumulated, greatly simplified the process for parents.
“From its early days with just Ach Sheli, MyShliach has expanded significantly, and it became clear that a smooth, centralized, system was needed to support the growth and serve the families who rely on our programs, in the most efficient way possible,” says Rabbi Yossi Elberg, MyShliach program director. “This is a major upgrade for our programming, having been in the works for a long while, we’re excited to launch it for all Yaldei HaShluchim.”
The development of the new website was spearheaded by Yossi Cadaner, Mendel Raskin, and Moishe Shapiro of Merkos 302’s Tech Department.
Check out the parents and kids portals on the new MyShliach platform today: https://kids.myshliach.com/