Making Dreams Come True- One Miracle at a Time

As Bonei Olam Chabad raises critical funds for 134 couples in our community waiting to become parents, four Crown Heights community members share why partnering with Bonei Olam Chabad is not just important—it’s essential.

For Rivkie Diament, attending a Bonei Olam Chabad event was a turning point. “It’s not just something for someone else. It’s for us,” she realized that day. Rivkie didn’t just see the need—she felt it. She vowed to get involved and quickly joined the first BOC committee. “Knowing that everyone who walks out of an event feels supported—whether it’s for themselves, their child, their sibling, their cousin, their neighbor. Being a part of that is priceless.”

When Shmulie Hecht, a Crown Heights store owner, thought about how he could contribute, he came up with a simple yet powerful idea: organize pushkas to be placed in local stores. “If someone walks up Kingston and goes into one store and the next store and the next store, and each store, right by the register has a Bonei Olam pushka, that tells you this is an organization that is part of us in our community, helping our community and should be heavily supported.”

When Rabbi Michoel Seligson was asked to join a minyan at the Ohel to daven for couples waiting for a child, he was deeply moved seeing people who already have children giving up their time to help another couple who doesn’t yet have children. “It shows the selflessness that one person has for another… How one yid is devoted to another.”

For Sarah Shagalow, founder of the popular shoe brand A. Soliani, the struggle of friends to have children inspired her to become involved with Bonei Olam Chabad. “We decided that one of our priorities would be to sponsor a baby because we want our customers to know that even when shopping with us, they are part of something bigger. Part of their purchase helps someone become a mother… I was able to make the keili for Hashem to be able to give someone else a baby.”

Will You Be a Part of the Miracles?

These individuals didn’t just support a cause—they became part of a miracle.

Now, it’s your turn.

Will you join us in making dreams come true? Donate now at, and be part of building our community’s next generation

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