Season Two of ‘Classic Take’ Podcast Launched for Three Weeks

Rabbi Sholom Zirkind‘s weekly podcast, ‘Classic Take,’ produced by the Moshiach Office Podcast Network at Merkos 302, has reached hundreds of listeners worldwide. Drawing from classic and contemporary Torah sources, it explores the fundamentals of Moshiach and their ongoing relevance in an easily understandable way.

“The Rebbe wanted us to ‘koch’ in Moshiach, and bring the Geulah through learning about Moshiach,” says Rabbi Zirkind, “the podcast aims to be thorough, clear, and fundamental.”

Through ‘Classic Take’, listeners gain a deeper appreciation for this cornerstone of Yiddishkeit. 

Each 20-minute episode tackles intriguing questions like: Can it be intellectually “proven” that Moshiach will come? What exactly does the obligation to believe in Moshiach entail? Who will actually be resurrected by techiyas hameisim? 

Rabbi Shlomie Naparstek, director of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, says, “Rabbi Sholom Zirkind is a well-respected educator, author, and researcher; an expert on Inyonei Moshiach u’Geulah. It is an honor to have him on our podcast network.” 

Season 2 launched and is available on all podcast platforms.

Listen and subscribe to the ‘Classic Take’ podcast here: 

Visit Rabbi Zirkind’s website to see his comprehensive collection of Moshiach resources

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