Honoring Tradition, Burying According To Halacha

A young man passed away on July 9th. Initially, his family planned for cremation and scattering of his ashes on their lakefront property. However, Rabbi Yossi Liberman of Chabad of West Hempstead, after learning about this from relatives on Long Island, contacted Rabbi Abba Rubin of Saratoga Chabad, who in the summer manages Jewish outreach and a daily minyan in Lake George.

Rabbi Rubin visited the family and, after much discussion respecting the family’s wish to keep their son close, they decided to bury him on their property in accordance with New York State law (more than 250 feet from the lake) and following the guidelines of a proper Jewish burial according to Jewish law (halacha).

Rabbi Moshe Bomzer, head of the local Chevrah Kadisha, facilitated the necessary arrangements for his tahara (ritual purification) and kevurah (burial). This ensured that he received a respectful Jewish burial known as kvuras yisroel. During the levaya (funeral), Rabbi Bomzer highlighted that this young man’s short but meaningful 28 years were significant as he was born in the shadow of the Rebbe’s passing, and his untimely passing on July 9th aligned with the 3rd of Tammuz, the 30th yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The 30th anniversary represents strength, and through the combined efforts (koach) of the Rebbe’s shluchim, he was granted a dignified farewell, reflecting the reverence and observance of Jewish traditions.

Rabbi Rubin commented on his Hebrew name, Dovid Hillel. “Dovid” represents the eternal continuity of the Jewish people and each individual’s neshoma (soul), as reflected in the phrase “Dovid Melech Yisroel chai v’kayam,” while “Hillel” embodies the love for others, a core teaching of Hillel the Elder. This mitzvah brought together these two main themes of the Rebbe’s life.

Supporting the Mitzvah and Lake George Minyan

To support this mitzvah and others, including the Lake George Minyan:

Lake George Minyan Information

The famous white tent at Lake George Minyan draws all kinds of people together to daven. Please drive slowly in the Ranch area.

  • The minyan has been running for over 30 years at Lake George.
  • Location: Roaring Brook Ranch, 2206 NY-9 N, Lake George, NY 12845. Drive up the road past the small pond, up the hill. At the top of the hill, you’ll reach a small circular stone area. Make a right to the main office around the brown building, and you will see the white tent. Be very careful when you exit and observe the ten-mile speed limit.

Minyan Times

Shacharis: 8 am


  • Week of July 21: 8:10 pm
  • Week of July 28: 8:00 pm
  • Week of August 14: 7:40 pm
  • Week of August 18: 7:30 pm
  • Week of August 25: 7:25 pm

For more information, text or call Rabbi Abba Rubin at 518-526-0773

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