A Miracle In The Catskills, and The Importance Of Knowing CPR
by CrownHeights.info
A miracle unfolded at a Lubavitch bungalow colony in the Catskills Sunday, and thanks to a bystander’s CPR, a child is breathing today.
The two-year-old boy was swimming at the pool in the Mountain Lodge bungalow colony when the unthinkable happened. Bystanders rushed into the pool to pull out the unconscious child and a colony resident immediately began CPR.
Hatzalah rushed to the scene, and within just a couple minutes from when the child was found, he was coughing and breathing on his own.
A helicopter was called and the child flown to Westchester Medical Center as a precaution.
Boruch Hashem for those who recognized the child needed help. Boruch Hashem for a colony resident knowing CPR. Boruch Hashem for the quick response from Hatzalah. Without any one of these three, the outcome may have been very different.
Knowing how to recognize an emergency and how to do CPR saved a life today. Every person MUST know how to do CPR.
Eyes on your child p
BARUCH HASHEM 1000 times!!!
Parents, if you have a child near the water, do not do anything, but keep an eye on him, every minute.
If you have two kids, or more, then appoint someone else to watch each child.
Difficult? Yes.
But it only takes a moment while diapering a baby, or kissing a boo boo, for chas v’shalom ….
May we all be safe and heathy this summer.
Also please use floaties for all young children who are not proper swimmers yet. It is very important to prevent problems. Any time young children will be near water, put floaties on them.