Watch Recap Video: Moshiach Chidon Gala Banquet
Watch Recap Video: The international Moshiach Chidon, held on Gimmel Tammuz, brought together Bochurim from around the world to honor their commitment to learning Inyonei Geulah uMoshiach. The event saw twenty-two finalists from various Chabad Yeshivos showcasing their profound knowledge of the Rebbe’s Torah about Moshiach.
An impressive 2,000 Bochurim participated in the Chidon, with 520 passing the final and joining the Banquet. The evening, filled with a sense of Achdus, featured judges Rabbis Mendel Blau, Shloma Majeski, and Shalom Zirkind.
Highlights included a multimedia presentation and the announcement of winners: Moshe Lang from Mesivta Lubavitch of Monsey (first place), Shneor Zalman Lokshin from Mesivta Lubavitch Moscow (second place), and Sholom Ber Vechter from Mesivta Lubavitch Toronto (third place).
Each participant received a Sefer on Geulah uMoshiach, and more than 90 Bochurim won Seforim in raffles. The banquet concluded with joyous dancing and singing, celebrating the Bochurim’s dedication to learning and thereby hastening Moshiach’s arrival.
This event undoubtedly brought much nachas to the Rebbe, with hopes that next year’s Chidon will take place in Yerushalayim, with Moshiach at its lead.
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