Hilchos Nida Curriculum Miracle Stories
*Names have been omitted for anonymity sake.
Ready for an incredible story?
Rabbi Betzalel Bassman, the co-founder of SCP-Chabad relates:
“Last year, I was speaking with Rabbi Elyada Goldwicht, the founder of SCP – Semichas Chaver Program, and he shared the following story with me:
(The communities learning the regular SCP curriculum (non Chabad) learned Hilchos Nida last year.) In the SCP Chabura in Manchester, UK, there was a participant who didn’t have children for 8 years. When they started learning Hilchos Nidah the Chabura took it upon themselves to learn in the zechus that this participant should have a child. 10 months after the limud began, the couple had a baby! Mazel tov and בשורות טובות!”
Rabbi Betzalel Bassman continues, “This past winter, I shared the above story with the over 40 Lubavitcher communities and Chabad Houses when they started learning the Hilchos Nida curriculum.
Over Gimmul Tammuz, seeing some of the SCP-Chabad Rabbeim in the Ohel, I received the following amazing feedback from three different communities:
One Rav told me, ‘I had a talmid who didn’t have children for a number of years, and 9 months after we started learning Hilchos Nida he had a baby boy!’
A second related, ‘B”H we had a surprising percentage of participants in our shiur who all had children during the course of our learning Hilchos Nidah!’
‘This zman (6 month course) was the first one that I taught in my community. Last week, one of the participants, who hadn’t had children after being married for 4 years- had twin girls! Two other participants each had a baby in the middle of the zman, after not having children for 4or 5 years. Also, B”H my wife had a baby boy 2 days ago, and another chaburah member’s wife is due in about 3 weeks. This is all since we started learning right after Sukkos about 10 months ago!’
What is Semichas Chaver?
The Semichas Chaver Program (SCP), started by Rabbi Elyada Goldwicht shlit”a to teach in-depth halacha classes to baaleh batim currently boasts over 250 locations, with over 3500 weekly talmidim. The curriculum is a text-based study of the background and underlying principles of the halacha. It starts with the Gemara and Shulchan Aruch, and follows the chain of halacha all the way to the contemporary Poskim and modern issues.
Semichas Chaver Chabad (SCP Chabad) is a branch of SCP founded by Rabbi Betzalel Bassman and Rabbi Avrohom Jacks. They have worked in conjunction with Lubavitcher Rabbonim to adapt the curriculum to follow the opinions of the Alter Rebbe, the Tzemach Tzedek and contemporary Chabad Poskim.
SCP Chabad is a seven-year program divided into six-month courses with classes held weekly. Each six month course is an independent subject after which students review the material and take a test. Those who pass the test receive a prestigious Semichas Chaver certificate signed by leading Rabbonim from around the world, including Chabad Rabbonim. SCP Chabad is endorsed by leading Chabad Rabbonim including Rabbi Gedalia Oberlander shlit”a Rabbi Levi Raskin shlit”a.
SCP-Chabad is being taught in over 40 Lubavitcher Communities and Chabad Houses, with a new Ivrit branch growing in Eretz Yisroel, now in 5 communities run by Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin shlit”a.
A Chabad House branch of SCP-Chabad is currently being taught in over 30 Chabad Houses called HalachaU. A new Tefilla course is being offered in over 15 locations of Chabad on Campus this coming college semester.
A new pilot course for women, called Women’s Halacha Circle has taught Hilchos Muktza with raving reviews from Baltimore and Pittsburgh. For more information contact Rabbi Betzalel Bassman rabbibbassman@gmail.com