The Rebbe Portrait That Took Six Plus Years To Create

Gimmel Tammuz this year, fellow creators Meir Kruter and Yitzchak Moully unveiled a unique and meaningful portrait of the Rebbe that was just completed after being in the works for over six years.

“This project has been a dream of mine for many years, and it’s finally come to life,” Moully told “The portrait is created using small 1/2 inch squares of the Rebbe’s Chassidus and dollar bills.”

These elements symbolize the Rebbe’s teachings and his mission to transform the physical into the spiritual, according to Moully. Using actual dollar bills, which the Rebbe distributed for tzadaka, emphasizes the power to transform the physical into the spiritual. This special piece merges dollar bills with the Rebbe’s Torah, uplifting them both into a beautiful portrait of the Rebbe.

This project began as a collaboration with Moully’s son Boruch Shalom in honor of his Bar Mitzvah, this Gimmel Tammuz he turns 19.

Mazel Tov and continue making the Rebbe proud.

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