LIVE NOW: Moshiach International Chidon Banquet
Join us tonight for the International Moshiach Chidon Banquet, celebrating the exceptional learning and dedication of our Mesivta Bochurim in Inyonei Geulah U’Moshiach.
The event starts at 7:30 PM, featuring Bochurim from around the globe as they come together to demonstrate their deep understanding of the teachings of Moshiach and Geulah.
For the first time, several international representatives will be on stage from places like Antwerp, Buenos Aires, Moscow, and Vienna.
The Moshiach Chidon will be judged by Rabbi Mendel Blau, Rabbi Sholom Zirkind, and Rabbi Shloma Majeski. Special media presentation will be by Rabbi Shmuel Butman, Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Rabbi Yisroel Noach Lipsker, Rabbi Berel Lazar, and Rabbi Yossi Paltiel.
The International Moshiach Chidon is much more than a competition; it is a joyous celebration of learning, unity, and anticipation for the Geulah. By tuning into the live stream, you’ll have the privilege of witnessing hundreds of Bochurim who have dedicated months to learning about Moshiach. You’ll hear their profound knowledge as they delve into different Nevuos, teachings of Chazal, and from all our Rabbeim.
There is no better way to spend a day like Gimmel Tammuz than by watching our young Bochurim – the future of Lubavitch – as they passionately engage in what the Rebbe described as the most direct path to the Geulah.
May we merit the coming of Moshiach and the end of this bitter Golus, even before this Gimmel Tammuz, with the Rebbe leading us out of Golus, and his Bochurim at the forefront.