“Spread Light”, A Song In Honor Of The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Yartzeit

Bringing together two internationally acclaimed artists in honor of Gimmel Tamuz, the yahrzeit of the revered Lubavitcher Rebbe, ZY”A, TYH Nation is  proud to announce the release of the soul-stirring song, “Spread Light.”  Featuring Alex Clare, who’s music has touched audiences across the world, and Matisyahu, who’s music has always channeled the deepest of Jewish messages, this song pays tribute to the enduring legacy and teachings of the Rebbe, whose visionary approach continues to inspire and guide generations.

The Rebbe’s words resonate through the annals of history, embodying the culmination of millennia of Jewish tradition. His revolutionary mission of illuminating even the darkest corners of the world with the light of Torah and mitzvot has left an indelible mark on the hearts of countless individuals. He instilled within each of us a profound sense of purpose, empowering us to recognize our vital role in the grand narrative of history. 

“Spread Light” captures the essence of the Rebbe’s dual mission: to spread light, love, and awareness of Hashem both externally, to the world, and internally, within the deepest recesses of our own hearts. The song echoes the Rebbe’s call to action, urging us to bring the promise of Moshiach to every corner of the globe.

Since the Rebbe’s passing 30 years ago, the actualization of his mission has seen exponential growth, as countless individuals and communities have embraced and spread his teachings, bringing light and hope to every part of the world. The Rebbe was the premier example of spreading light far beyond the directly influenced world of his own chassidim.

This release, composed by the Blumstein Brothers is a call to reignite the flame of the Rebbe’s teachings within us. As we commemorate Gimmel Tamuz, let “Spread Light” serve as a reminder of our collective mission to bring light to the world and hasten the arrival of Moshiach.

Join TYH Nation in celebrating the Rebbe’s legacy and embracing our sacred mission. 

Listen to “Spread Light” on YouTube or wherever you get your music, and let its powerful message inspire you to take action and make a difference in the world.

Thank You Hashem

TYH Music / Mendy Portnoy / Farbrengable Studios

Music Credits

Composed by The Blumstein Brothers
Arranged & Produced by Mendy Portnoy
Mixed by Yaron Safer and Mendy Portnoy
Mastered by Yaron Safer

Video Credits

Video Produced by Mendy Portnoy
Director: Carlos Wigle
Production Company SC Events

Single Artwork: Yakov Josephy

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