Mikvah.org: Gimmel Tammuz, Summer Learning and More
Today, 3 Tammuz 5784, marks the 30th yahrzeit of the Rebbe זי”ע.
Mikvah.org sent out a detailed email this past week with ideas for Hachlatos to take on in honor of this auspicious day.
As a reminder, if you would like to contribute to the Rebbe’s Moised focused on the Mivtzah of Taharas Hamishpacha, click here!
To take on a Hachlata in this special mitzvah, visit Mikvah.org for various resources, including audio classes, videos, and review games on Halacha, Hashkafa, and more!
Summer Learning Series Continues!
Our Summer Learning Series, which delves into Chassidic insights on the Wedding Ceremony, continues with its second class featuring Mrs. Ita Broh.
Tune in to learn about what comes first, Kiddushin or Kinyan?
Click here to listen now!
For more details, see the flyer above.

Project Chana Happening Tonight!
Reminder: Tune in to the live Zoom class tonight from 8:30-9:30 PM ET!
Livestream, YouTube, and Recordings:
Click here to join the Live Zoom Session:
Meeting ID:849 4442 4298
Password: 770