Israeli Defense Minister Gallant Instructs Reevaluation of Decision to Bar Words HY”D on Military Gravestones
israelnationalnews and CrownHeights.info
The Knesset on Wednesday discussed the issue of adding the acronym Hy”d, which stands for Hashem yikom damo – May G-d avenge his blood, to military gravestones. The discussion was held amid the Defense Ministry’s refusal to allow the family of fallen Chabad soldier Cpt. Israel Yudkin to write the traditional acronym on his gravestone.
Economy Minister Nir Barkat addressed the session and presented the Defense Ministry’s answer, instead of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant who is currently in the US.
Barkat noted that Minister Gallant has instructed the Public Council for the Commemoration of Soldiers to discuss the issue and reexamine the request since the addition of Hy”d does not appear in the list of optional additions in the part of the gravestone meant to be uniform.