Three‭ Major Shabbosim Unite Bochurim For Gimmel Tammuz‬

With‭ the thirtieth Gimmel Tammuz approaching, the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim Haolomi has been‬ working‭ to facilitate proper preparations for Gimmel Tammuz, with a series of initiatives and‬ ‭programs.‬

‭In addition to two Mivtzah’s taking place in Yeshivos around the world – one for younger‬ ‭Bochurim learning in Mesivta, and one for older Bochurim learning in Zal – the Vaad has‬ organized‭ this past Shabbos three special Shabbos programs uniting Bochurim across the‬ ‭United States in their Hachanos for Gimmel Tammuz – thirty years.‬

Shiur‭ Daled Zal Bochurim‬

Geared‭ for Bochurim in Shiur Daled Zal, close to 100 Bochurim spent an uplifting Shabbos near‬ the‭ Rebbe’s Ohel.‬

‭Rabbi Shloime Kaplan and Rabbi Shmulik Shur of Oholei Torah joined the Shabbos and led the‬ ‭Farbrengens and Shiurim both on Friday night and Shabbos day. Sleeping accommodations‬ ‭was also provided for all the participating Bochurim.‬

The‭ Bochurim finished Shabbos full with inspiration and a new meaning in their Hiskashrus to‬ the‭ Rebbe.‬

Shiur‭ Gimmel Mesivta Bochurim‬

‭Over 175 bochrim from Mesivtos in Detroit, Chicago and Toronto gathered in the Zekelman‬ ‭Campus of Mesivta Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Detroit for an uplifting Shabbos.‬

The‭ Shabbos began with a video of the Rebbe, followed by a panel addressing core questions‬ on‭ Hiskashrus, anonymously posed by participating Bochurim. The Friday night meal continued‬ into‭ a Farbrengen that went throughout the night.‬

‭Shabbos day began with a Seder Chassidus replete with Shiurim by participating Mashpi’im,‬ ‭followed by Shacharis and a meal. After the meal the Bochurim paired with Talmidim from other‬ ‭Yeshivos to learn a Farbrengen of the Rebbe, and then joined each other for spirited‬ ‭Farbengens throughout the afternoon.‬

After‭ Mincha a rousing Seder Niggunim was held followed by Chazoras Dach.‬

At‭ the Melaveh Malkah on Motzei Shabbos, Bochurim heard practical ideas for Hachlotos to‬ enhance‭ their Hachonos and culminated in a spontaneous dance as they boarded the busses‬ ‭back to their respective Yeshivos.‬

Participating‭ Hanohola and special guests included: Rabbi Yosef Gourarie (Detroit), Rabbi Levi‬ Kaplan‭ (Detroit), Rabbi Mendel Scharf (Detroit), Rabbi Shlom Scharf (Chicago), Rabbi Shmaya‬ ‭Shmotkin (Detroit), Rabbi Eli Nosson Silberberg (Chicago), Rabbi Yisroel Slavaticki (Detroit),‬ Rabbi‭ Gershon Steinmetz (Detroit), Rabbi Yosef Leib Vechter (Toronto), Rabbi Chaim Zaklos‬ ‭(Solano County, California)‬

Shiur‭ Beis Mesivta Bochurim‬

A‭ similar Shabbos in Chicago took place as well, with Bochurim from Shiur Beis Detroit uniting‬ with‭ Bochurim in Chicago their age.‬

‭The Bochurim spent the majority of Shabbos participating in a spirited Farbrengen led by Rabbi‬ ‭Shmuel Chaim Scharf (Chicago) which continued until late Motzei Shabbos. Each Bochur took‬ upon‭ himself a Hachlata to learn with a Bochur from the other Yeshiva multiple times a week‬ until‭ Gimmel Tammuz. Throughout Shabbos the Bochurim Farbrenged with and heard from‬ ‭Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Sholom Ber Halberstam (both of Chicago).‬

As‭ one Bochur put it simply after Shabbos: “At the end of Shabbos I felt like we were all‬ brothers,”‭ and “it was a meaningful way to prepare for Gimmel Tammuz and I wish it would‬ ‭happen more often”.‬

‭All these Shabbosim only took place due to the Hanholos of the Yeshivos who dedicated much‬ ‭time and energy in ensuring that the Bochurim have a meaningful and enjoyable experience, to‬ ‭strengthen their Hiskashrus for the thirtieth Gimmel Tammuz.‬

‭These programs are sponsored by the Meromim Foundation in memory of Rabbi Moshe‬ ‭Kotlarsky, dear friend of the Vaad Hatmimim since its inception.‬

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