New Book, “Chabad, Young Israel and Modern Orthodoxy” Published by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin

A new book titled “Chabad, Young Israel and Modern Orthodoxy” has been published by author and historian Rabbi Chaim Dalfin.

In this book, Rabbi Dalfin examines the relationship between these two worlds. This book continues his series of looking at Chabad and other forms of Torah Judaism.

Special footnotes have been added, making the book a must read.

Book includes discussion about:

Irving Bunim
David Luchins
JJ Hecht
Rabbi Hollander
Norman Lamm
Rabbi Soloveitchik
Pinchus Stolper
Herman Wouk

The book has:

180 pages
152 footnotes
A Timeline

Available at


  • 404 Error - Name withheld out of fear of retribution

    Is there such a thing as Modern Lubavitch within Chabad ?
    IS this what the book says ?
    Is this happening in CH or EF ?

    ( I am not from the neighborchood)

  • Rabbi Dalfin

    No the book isn’t about a modern element in Chabad. That’s another discussion. I made several YouTube clips Abt this. Go to my YouTube channel, Rabbi Dalfin. Subscribe and search there.

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