Appeal Denied, Court Upholds Ruling Over 770


It’s heading towards the end of the road for the Gabboim of 770 Eastern Parkway as the Appellate Court hearing an attempt by the Gabboim to overturn a ruling against them over jurisdiction of 770 denied their request, and upheld the previous court’s ruling.

As previously reported on, an Appellate Court hearing the case of Agudas Chasidei Chabad against the Gabboim “Congregation Lubavitch” returned their decision in January, with both sides declaring victory.

A look at the court document appears to show that the Appellate Court has granted Agudas Chasidei Chabad and Merkos Linyonei Chinuch control of all buildings associated with 770 Eastern Parkway.

In a statement made to, Agudas Chasidei Chabad noted that “Notwithstanding any inaccurate claims to the contrary, this was a complete victory for Merkos and Aguch in all material and meaningful aspects.”

Read the Newly Returned Denial of Appeal:


    • Mendel

      It’s finally the end of the eveil who been making machlookes for past 3 decades

    • Anonymous

      Meh. The losing side is the one caterwauling about “more machloikesin.” CL needs to take the L and call it a day already.

  • Finally an end

    Finally an end to the court cases. Now 770 can finally be expanded and be brought under control

  • To be intellectually honest: What this is

    The gabo’im asked for a re-hearing before the appeals court. What they were trying to re-hear was a ruling that they have to give up their offices, and nothing else. This they just lost (after previously stating they wouldn’t contest).
    Read the last paragraph of the appeals ruling.
    If anyone can explain to me why this ruling will actually remove the gabo’im as managers of the main shul–pls expln

    • Anonymous

      Appellate Court basically left in place the old rulings from Jan 6, 2022 and said the gabo’im do not have the right to control and possession of premises, but Agudas said anyone who basically behaves can worship there (as a guest).
      As a guest, one does not have the right to manage the physical shul, like being able to throw someone out if they are digging for gold in the basement.

    • Commenter

      What is the meaning of this paragraph in the ruling? (It seems to say judgment is vacated, besides for regarding the offices):

      Accordingly, the final judgments in the summary proceedings seeking to recover possession
      of 770 and 784-788, insofar as appealed from and reviewed, are modified by vacating so much of
      those two final judgments as are against Congregation Lubavitch, Inc. (“CLI”), and

  • Anonymous

    those two final judgments as are against Congregation Lubavitch, Inc. (“CLI”), and so much of the
    petitions in those two proceedings as are asserted against Congregation Lubavitch, Inc. (“CLI”), are
    dismissed, and the final judgment in the summary proceeding to recover possession of the 302-304
    office space, insofar as appealed from and reviewed, is affirmed.

    • Pinchas Schechter

      I hope people are considering The Rebbe in what they do. The whole world is watching.

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