New Issue of ‘Kids Corner’ Magazine Released For Shavuos

The upcoming issue of the Lubavitch children’s magazine, ‘Kids Corner’ set to be released during Pesach, Shavuos, and Sukkos, promises to be a delightful and educational experience for young readers. Filled with engaging stories, inspiring messages, and interactive activities, this magazine aims to instill important values and teachings in our children. 

Through colorful illustrations and age-appropriate content, it seeks to bring the beauty of Torah and Jewish traditions to life in a way that resonates with our youth. The stories within the magazine will not only entertain but also educate, offering valuable lessons and insights drawn from our rich heritage.

 We are excited to share this upcoming issue with the Chabad community and hope that it will serve as a source of joy and learning for all who read it. By providing a platform for children to connect with their faith and culture in a fun and meaningful way, we believe that this magazine has the potential to make a positive impact on young minds.

“A group of talented Talmidim in Kita Vov and Zayin Cheder Chabad Toronto started a beautiful initiative,” the magazine’s Editor said. “For every Yom Tov they are creating a colored magazine filled from cover to cover with stories, messages and games infused with Yiras Shomayim and Chsidishkeit! A beautiful magazine and an uplifting read!”

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