New Torah To Be Dedicated In Honor of Rabbi Shneur Zalmen Wilschanski OBM
Dear Family and Friends,
As you are aware, our father, Rabbi Shneur Zalmen Wilschanski הכ”מ, dedicated his entire life to the Torah. From a young age, he left home to Yeshiva and immersed himself in his studies. This continued as a Bochur, through Kolel and in his role as Rosh Yeshiva and Rav.
Our father was the pillar of our family, the Rav of the Morristown community, and a cherished Rosh Yeshivah.
A brilliant teacher who not only gave insightful and enjoyable classes, he cared for each individual student’s learning and their physical well-being.
To honor his lifelong dedication to studying and disseminating Torah, we, his children, have taken it upon ourselves to write a Sefer Torah in his Zechus. The Torah will be housed in Chabad of Raleigh, North Carolina, which is headed by our brother Rabbi Mendy Wilschanski.
We invite you, his family, friends, Talmidim and community to partake in his Torah.
May this Sefer Torah be a זכות for our father’s holy נשמה, and may we only have good news and Simchas to share together.
The Wilschanski Family
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