Cincinnati Marched To The Geulah This Lag B’Omer
For many weeks the Talmidei Hashluchim of Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati, under the leadership of Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, worked hard to arrange the “Great Unity Parade” – in merit of the safety and security of the Jewish people in Eretz yisroel – in Cincinnati Ohio. The Talmidim of each shiur were given specific responsibilities (Shiur Alef: Marching band, Shiur Beis: Carnival and parade Shiur Gimmel: Rally and float) and all were completely involved.
When the weather forecasters predicted 100% chance of storms for the time of the rally and parade, a letter to the Rebbe was written and miraculously the rain stopped right before the time of the rally! After the Tzivos Hashem rally in front of “770-Cincinnati”, the entire community marched with pride – and police escort – to the local day-school where an amazing carnival, with inflatables and refreshments, that was set up for the entire Jewish community.
Following the carnival, in which many people participated and bought letters in the Sefer Torah, the Talmidim marched through the community spreading joy and came to the home of Rabbi Eliyahu Simpson for a special BBQ and Farbrengen. All were inspired to be Mekabel Moshiach Tzidkeinu B’Poel Mamash!