Special Zchus to Be Part of the Simcha of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

The great spiritual power connected with the day of Lag B’Omer is well known. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai requested that the day of his passing be celebrated as a joyous festival – a hilula. In recent times, this celebration has reached its ultimate stage – the Lag B’Omer parade led by the Rebbe as the Grand Marshal.

In Hayom Yom the Rebbe writes that Lag B’Omer was always a special day by Chassidim. They would go out to the field and many great miracles would occur, especially in regard to children.

The entire year they looked forward to Lag B’Omer.

It is considered a great zchus to contribute to the expenses of Lag B’Omer celebrations.

The Gemora says, “כדאי ר’ שמעון לסמוך עליו בשעת הדחק” And the Rebbe once wrote to Rabbi JJ Hecht A”H regarding organizing the parades, “וזכות הרשב”י ה”ה גדולה במאוד מאוד”

The organizers of the parade are launching a campaign to make it easy to take part in the great simcha of Rashbi by supporting the Lag B’Omer parade and celebration. Donations can be made at https://raisethon.com/parade, and the names of all contributors will be mentioned at the Ohel on Lag B’Omer.

May taking part in the simcha of Rashbi bring tremendous brachos to all those who contribute.

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