The Rebbe’s Request: Solidarity With Eretz Yisroel At The Lag Baomer Parade

A moment previously not known to be recorded was recently discovered on video at JEM, bringing to light a unique Lag Baomer occurrence. 

The parade of 5736 was itself unique: in a one-time departure from his usual custom, the Rebbe attended this parade although not held on a Sunday. The Rebbe’s presence at the parade was in honor of Shnas Hachinuch – a “Year of Education” proclaimed by the Rebbe. At this occasion the Rebbe introduced the last six of the Twelve Pesukim, following the introduction of the first six at an earlier Farbrengen.

At the Rebbe’s personal request, his Sichos at the parade were broadcasted live to Eretz Yisrael, airing in Miron at the gravesite of Rashbi.

Two more surprises would follow; one of which has recently been discovered on video. Quoting the Pasuk אעלה את ירושלים על ראש שמחתי, the Rebbe dedicated the final Sicha of his parade to a special request. Children at the parade should exchange letters of encouragement with their peers, fellow Jewish children in Eretz Yisrael.

At the parade’s conclusion as the Rebbe prepared to return to his room, he suddenly proclaimed “לשנה הבאה בירושלים!”

Never known to have been recorded on audio or video, this unique moment was recently discovered and has now been published on, together with a treasure trove of Lag Baomer content.

Click here to watch at 19:30 mark

The audio of this parade has also been recently restored by JEM and is available on

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