JEM: What The Rebbe Wanted My Restaurant To Do
In 1988, as a restaurant owner living in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn, Naftali Feldman was on the dinner committee of Colel Chabad, the oldest operating charity in Israel. When the invitation for the dinner was sent to the Rebbe, it was his name – and restaurant – which the Rebbe inquired about. Wanting to only give the Rebbe positive news, he committed to bringing his establishment up to standard. https://videos.jem.tv/video-player?cl…
Watch full-length videos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson: https://go.jem.tv/YT (microdonation)
Good reminder right before shavuos. As chassidim, if it’s not chalav yisroel, we shouldn’t be eating it.