Leading Chabad Chinuch Organizations Collaborate For the First Time
In an unprecedented move, the Merkos Chinuch Office and the Menachem Education Foundation are set to collaborate on organizing this year’s Kinus Mechanchim Chabad, signaling a new chapter in Chabad educational conferences.
The 24th annual gathering of Chabad educators, which originated in 5761/2001 under the auspices of Rabbi Nochem Kaplan and the Merkos Chinuch Office, will see these two educational organizations join forces to enhance the experience for participants.
The Kinus HaMechanchim, deeply rooted in the Rebbe’s Horaah of strengthening and inspiring Chabad educators during the summer months, is regarded as a crucial event in the Chabad educational calendar. This summer’s event is eagerly anticipated, with enhanced programs and services expected to unfold under the collaborative efforts of both organizations.
Rabbi Menachem Kirchenbaum, of the Merkos Chinuch Office, expressed his enthusiasm about the joint venture. “The Kinus is vital for Mechanchim; it’s a time for them to be inspired and strengthened. We are thankful to Hashem that this year, with even more support and vigor, we can make this event ‘B’Yeser S’iEs U’Biyeser Oz’ exceptionally beautiful and impactful,” he stated.
The collaboration aims not only to expand the offerings of the Kinus but also to foster a spirit of Achdus and Shalom among Mechanchim, aligning with the values of Chabad and the Rebbe’s wishes. Rabbi Zalman Shneur, founder and director of the Menachem Education Foundation, shared his gratitude for this opportunity. “I feel tremendous gratitude to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for allowing us to be part of such a wonderful endeavor. We hope to receive the Rebbe’s brachos to make this Kinus ‘Lishem U’Litferes’ and to bring a nachas ruach to the Rebbe,” Rabbi Shneur said.
Further details and dates for the Kinus will be announced soon, as organizers are finalizing what promises to be an enriching and memorable event for Chabad educators worldwide. This partnership is poised to not only enhance the Kinus Mechanchim but also set a precedent for future collaborations in Chabad’s educational initiatives.