Chinuch Jems Morah Teichtel’s Yechidus with the Rebbe
In celebration of the Rebbe’s birthday, Bais Rivkah introduces a 10 Segment Series sharing Chinuch Jems. Delve into an inside discussion with Morah Tiechtel, in which she recounts instructions she received from the Rebbe regarding Bais Rivkah and the chinuch of its students.
What is the Rebbe’s perspective for a teacher’s relationship with her students?
During a Yechidus with the Rebbe, Morah Teichtel gained a new outlook to the entire perspective of chinuch. In this segment she recounts that, “teaching is not just a job. It’s not just something you do from nine to five. You focus on your child, you think about your child, you extend yourself for your child, and you understand your child.
This was one specific thing that we took personally in our lives, and I’m sure that many other people got a similar answer when talking about their students. It’s something that I’m sure is reflected in the way many people approach chinuch.”
Receive a Chinuch gem every Thursday starting Yud Alef Nissan for 10 weeks or check for updates on bethrivkah.edu/chinuchjems!
Learn more of the directives of the Rebbe on Chinuch. Stay tuned for the coming segments.