Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim Coming to Crown Heights this Pesach
Attention all Yeshiva Bochurim spending Pesach in Crown Heights – a special Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim program is being organized just for you!
The Seder will be taking place in the Oholei Torah Zal classroms on the following dates:
8-9, 13, 23 Nissan:
9:00am Chassidus
10 am Shacharis in 770
11:00am Breakfast (by Wholesome Bagels)
11:45am-1:45pm Seder Niglah
17-18, 20 Nissan:
12:15pm-1:45pm Seder Niglah
(plus 8-9:30pm Chassidus on 17 Nissan)
The schedule includes learning the Rebbe’s Haggadah, Halachos, and a focus on Geulah and Moshiach. Plus, the organizers have arranged a nice stipend that will be there to encourage the Bochurim to come, sponsored by the Sadya Shmuel Foundation.
Learning Torah, giving the Rebbe Nachas, and bringing Moshiach now!
See you there!