Nshei Chabad Mivtzoyim From Purim to Pesach

Boruch Hashem it has been a wonderful Purim!

This year, as in previous years, a special effort was put in to reach the elderly and homebound as well, in senior centers and day care centers located across Brooklyn and even Queens.

Led by Mrs. Chana Marosow, together with the Nshei Chabad Mivtzoim team, every detail of Purim was carefully thought out and planned to ensure the best experience! This includes calling the centers to find out what they need, ordering Megillahs, guides, graggers, etc! Ordering & packing 3,000 Shalach Manos, creating custom Brochos cards & adding coins for Matanos Le’evyoim, and let’s not forget arranging the Purim programs, and delivering the packages! 

Together with Rabbi Gerlitzky, from Kollel Tifereth Zekeinim Levi Yitzchok, many hours were also put in to arrange Megillah readings / programs, and coordinate volunteers to go to the senior centers, hospitals, and home-bound people on Purim day itself!  

A big thank you to all our volunteers: Seminary girls, families with children, school aged girls & boys, and bochurim, for getting dressed up, putting a smile on the elderly’s faces, and answering the call as Shluchim of the Rebbe to bring the Simcha of Purim to these Yidden! 

Now that Pesach is fast approaching, new efforts will be put in to ensure that the seniors will be able to have Shmurah Matza for Pesach. The Rebbe encouraged us many times to see to it that every Yid has Shmurah Matza, at least for the Seder nights. 

Nshei Chabad women will once again reach out to the nursing homes, and Beezrat Hashem distribute over 8,000 Matzos to approximately 40+ Senior Centers, and in the streets and supermarkets. 

On each box of Matzah, there will be a beautiful label with a Geulah message, as well as specific instructions connected to the eating of the Matzah. The seniors will also receive Pesach guides & beautiful colored Haggadahs in Russian and English. 

Closer to Pesach, we make sure that they fill out the sale of Chametz forms properly. For Pesach night, Sedarim will be arranged under the direction of Rabbi Gerlitzky, and with the help of volunteer Bochurim. 

Please consider becoming a participant in this monumental Mivtza Matzah. This Mivtzah runs a budget of over $25,000, and any donation will be greatly appreciated & will go for Maos Chittim for those in need. 

If you would like to partner with us, please donate at mymivtzoim.com, (Specify that its for Mivtza Matzah). 

For more info call Chana at 718-916-2626, or Miri at 917-291-2287. 

In Zchus of this important Mivtza, and fulfilling the Rebbe’s wishes, may we merit to celebrate in the Bais Hamikdash Hashlishi with the true & complete Geulah now!


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