Meat Shortages and CHK Policy Leaves Crown Heights Food Establishments In A Conundrum
by CrownHeights.info
It’s a conundrum for the Crown Heights food establishments that doesn’t have a good answer, either stop serving meat or start serving non-Lubavitch Shchita.
With the CHK’s sudden exodus from Agri’s Shor Habor brand of meat, concern of a Pesach meat shortage was well founded. A private run of beef at Solomon’s in Nebraska provided relief for the Crown Heights and Lubavitch consumer who only eat CHK meat, but that was only for beef.
Another shortage, that of cold cuts and poultry was not averted in time, and some Crown Heights food establishments, including restaurants and take-outs, have already run out.
Speaking to CrownHeights.info on condition of anonymity, one food establishment noted that the CHK had warned him of consequences if he used Shor Habor meat under the Lamed-K Hechsher at his establishment, even though it was the only available Lubavitch Shchita meats that fulfilled their needs.
This requirement left certain food establishments in a bind. Either stop selling these meats all together, or start selling non-Lubavitch Shchita meat.
CrownHeights.info has confirmed that non-Lubavitch Shchita meat is being sold by at least one CHK establishment that had previously sold only Lubavitch Shchita.
CrownHeights.info advises those in the Crown Heights community who only eat Lubavitch Shchita to check their purchases to ensure that the meat they are purchasing fits to their standards.
Chk is the problem
Chk made a move a bad move LK it a great hechsher
meyer cheinYe quessAre
No, it is not.
The only mistake here is ******! Hes the problem…
One may not eat from his hechsher
Dovid Der
What makes it more ironic is that it’s the same plant as Lamed K, and the only difference is that Lamed K has Lubavitch Shochtim. Both have Rabbi Wiesmandel’s Hechsher, and Lamed K has an additional Hechsher
Concerned CH'er
Speaking to CrownHeights.info on condition of anonymity, one food establishment noted that the CHK had warned him of ***consequences*** if he used Shor Habor meat under the Lamed-K Hechsher at his establishment, even though it was the only available Lubavitch Shchita meats that fulfilled their needs.
What is that supposed to mean?
It means if you want L-K meats you will have to obtain them outside the shechunah. I’ll bet plenty of “regular” supermarkets with kosher sections will have those products.
It means you will have defied the B”D and are liable to nidui.
Ch butcher has plenty of chicken and cold cuts.
1. So non-Lubavitch shchita is more acceptable than LK meat?!
2. Can the food establishment that loses nechsher CKH switch to use LK?!
3. THIS IS ALL NUTS! Time to start using Satmar meat, cold cuts etc!!
“non-Lubavitch Shchita meat is being sold by at least one CHK establishment” but “CHK had warned him of consequences if he used Shor Habor meat under the Lamed-K Hechsher at his establishment”…
So better sell non-Lubavitch meat than Lamed-K meat?!
Have we lost our karshrus compass?!
Follow your Rov
Unfortunately your comment is very sad but TRUE.
As the Rebbe said, you must follow A Rov. Whoever you pick, you stick with him (or her).
If you are told to eat a specific type of meat, it’s on the Rov’s head.
Follow the Rov – so better eat Hebrew National than “heaven forbid” Lubavitch-Kosher. Really?!
I saw yesterday....
I was by the kolel in B.p. some buy chabad hechsherim and some dont. For example matza I saw a chabadnik buy from pupa chassidim.
Yes we should do all that we can to remain chabad and keep chabad hechsherim as well as shechita but the rabbis have to stop making problems that have NOTHING what to do halacha but with their own inhuman stupidity.
meyer cheinYe quessAre
It is not a mahlokes lshem shamaim in it’s core
Meat, matza, wine – easy to gonf Lubavitch hechsherim. But I am having trouble finding Lubavitch hechsherim on potato chips and candies. And cookies! And soda! Why is it OK to use non-lubaviþch marshmallows???!!!
Hershey weiss
We should only buy chk meat , no lamed k , just make sure when you’re at the restaurant to ask questions to find out what meat or chicken they are using, what I can tell you for sure as a consumer that the ch butcher can be trusted ? percent as lubavitch schita and with all the hidurim
It seems that you have taken on a project to fight chk