Exhilarating Game Show and Concert With Chidon Trophy Awards

Girls from around the world celebrated at the Chidon Grand Finale with an exciting game show and award ceremony.

The event culminated the months of dedicated learning for which these middle schoolers devoted their free time, studying an intensive curriculum on the facts, details, and reasons behind all 613 Mitzvos. 

More than 300 participating schools in 40 countries and numerous cities around the globe sent representatives to showcase the in-depth Torah learning and knowledge that the students have acquired. 

The event was broadcast live on Thursday, and over 20,000 viewers tuned in to watch.

Some of Chabad’s biggest names in Jewish music joined the performance, making it a premier event on the community calendar. Benny Friedman and Eli Marcus, accompanied by M.C. Chony Milecki and show host Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig, provided meaningful entertainment to viewers in-person and online.

During the live broadcast, two teams of 8th grade finalists competed in the fast-paced game show, bringing extensive proficiency and knowledge of all 613 Mitzvos to the stage.

Mazel Tov to the winning team, Mishneh Torah

Team Members: Rivkah Baras, Chaya Mushka Brody, Mussie Glitsenstein, Malkie Gordon, Liba Levin, Mushka Levinson, Kayla Lishner, Chaya Mushka Mishulovin, Chava Moscowitz, Chana Perlow, Chana Rosenblat, Chana Schochet, Rivka Silberstein, Ronya Sputz, Etty Wigdor, Rochel Wolvovsky, Yehudis Yarmush, and Yocheved Zaklos.

The event concluded by announcing the winners of the highly sought-after Chidon Trophies, awarded to the following contestants from across the globe:

Bronze: Esther Taub, 4th Grade, MyShliach

Bronze: Devorah Leah Silman, 5th Grade, Bnos Menachem

Bronze: Taiby Glazman, 6th Grade, MyShliach

Bronze: Ita Lazar, 7th Grade, Lubavitch Senior Girls, London

Bronze: Devorah Korf, 8th Grade, LEC Florida Girls Middle School

KHK Bronze: Chana Schochet, Bais Chaya Mushka, Los Angeles

Silver: Chavatzelet Hecht, 4th Grade, Bader Hillel Academy

Silver: Zelda Gurary, 5th Grade, Ohr Temimim, Buffalo 

Silver: Chava Gitel Brody, 6th Grade, Cheder Lubavitch Chicago Girls

Silver: Mushka Ginsburg, 7th Grade, Bnos Menachem

Silver: Chaya Mushka Mishulovin, 8th Grade, Bnos Menachem

KHK Silver: Devorah Korf, LEC Florida Girls Middle School

Gold: Leah Raichik, 4th Grade, Bais Chaya Mushka, Los Angeles

Gold: Mushka Losh, 5th Grade, Bnos Menachem

Gold: Mussia Rader, 6th Grade, ​​Beis Rivkah, Montreal

Gold: Dassi Marosov, 7th Grade, Bnos Menachem

Gold: Rochel Leah Feldman, 8th Grade, Bais Rivkah, Crown Heights

Gold: Chana Schochet, 8th Grade, Bais Chaya Mushka, Los Angeles

KHK Gold: Rochel Leah Feldman, Bais Rivkah, Crown Heights

On behalf of all the staff at Chidon and Tzivos Hashem HQ, we extend a joyous Mazel Tov to all of the winners, and a huge Yasher Koach to every girl who participated in this incredible program. The hours that you invested certainly brought true nachas to the Rebbe and powerful light to the entire world. 

May you always find joy and pleasure in learning Hashem’s Torah! 

Photo credits: Mendel Strasberg

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