5th Annual Virtual Embrace Live Event, Record-Breaking
The evening promises an incredible lineup of alumnae sharing powerful firsthand accounts, showcasing the global impact that stems from Associated Beth Rivkah Schools. Unite with Bais Rivkah Alumnae worldwide who are breaking records and changing our world.
Key Highlights:
Shluchos on the Front Lines in Eretz Yisroel: Three alumnae will share inspiring stories amidst the challenges of war in Israel. Mrs. Sara (Dalfin) Naiditch from Tel Aviv will share firsthand how a teacher’s belief in her leadership qualities shapes how she uses her strength of character in her Shluchos. Mrs. Tila (Rimler) Hecht from Eilat will share heartwarming miracle stories of countless refugees and how she actively makes a difference. Hear from Mrs. Nechama Deena (Kalmenson) Hendel, Shlucha in Baka, Yerushalayim, on how your mitzvos matter to the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel.
Record-Breaking: Meet Mrs. Yehudis (Green) Cohen, a record-breaking BR mother for an impressive 38 years. Hear from Morah Korf and Mrs. Gillie (Resnick) Shanowitz how Bais Rivkah, through the creation of Achos, has become a trendsetter in schools, making a significant and positive impact on the lives of hundreds of Lubavitch girls. Gain inspiration from a veteran teacher in Bais Rivkah, Mrs. Toby Halpert, who shares personal Rebbe stories.
These alumnae are examples of impact. These alumnae are examples of strength. This is Bais Rivkah Alumnae, breaking records.
Challenge your knowledge in a fun and competitive Bais Rivkah game show, and sing along to a stunning, nostalgic Medley from 6th-grade production choirs throughout the years.
The Bais Rivkah Virtual Embrace Live will take place on
Motzei Shabbos, March 30th, 20 Adar II, at 9:15 P.M.
RSVP today at bethrivkah.edu/embracelive and be entered into the Kirsh giveaway.
EmBRace the excitement, the stories, and the impact – join us for an event like no other!