Every Siyum Horambam is A Celebration, but This Year is Unique
Today we are finishing the 43rd cycle of the daily Rambam and Sefer Hamitzvos. In just a few weeks, on Acharon Shel Pesach, it will be exactly 40 years since the beginning of this special takana.
One of the beautiful things about Rambam is that it is like the Korban Oleh V’yored we just learned about in Chumash — there’s a size that’s right for everyone! Whether you can learn three perakim every day, will bravely attempt one perek, or can learn the mitzvos being studied, you can be part of the Rebbe’s Rambam study cycle.
The Rebbe would point out that celebrating a siyum is very important. It encourages more people to join in, and brings added enthusiasm and dedication for those already taking part.
Today, as we celebrate the end of the 43rd cycle, it’s the perfect time to join in the learning (if you aren’t already), to upgrade your learning (in quality, quantity, or consistency), and to encourage others to join as well!
If you are learning Sefer Hamitzvos, or you are the parent, teacher, or friend of someone learning Sefer Hamitzvos, make sure to visit SeferHamitzvos.org which has many resources to help upgrade or add chayus to your daily study!
- Download and print a checklist with a list of the mitzvos in each shiur, handy as a quick review and to show your progress in learning! Hang one up in your classroom, bedroom or kitchen.
- Access a PDF of each day’s shiur from the popular Sefer Hamitzvos book for kids (now out of print)
- Audio versions for kids, both younger and older
- Videos for many shiurim with the charismatic Mendel D
- Links to the incredible Operation 613 project, available for many shiurim
- Daily word find with terms related to the day’s mitzvos
- Online or printable coloring page
- And more!
Make the commitment — don’t miss a day!