CHK Run At Solomon’s Means No Meat Shortage In Crown Heights For Pesach


Crown Heights Anash who exclusively eat meat with the CHK Hechsher may rest easier this Pesach thanks to a new meat run that took place at Solomon’s under the CHK Hechsher.

Their concerns were real. With the sudden removal of the CHK Hechsher from AgriStar Meat just weeks before Pesach, many expected a shortage of CHK Hechsher meat available for Pesach, potentially increasing the cost of meat and making it unaffordable to many.

Driven to make sure that this does not happen, a Crown Heights meat distributor took it upon himself and reached out to Solomon’s Meats to arrange a special meat run.

Solomon’s Meat plant, located in Nebraska, is well known for its high quality Glatt-Kosher meats under OU Supervision, making it an ideal place to do a special Lubavitch Schita run.

According to reports, two Lubavitch Schochtim traveled to Nebraska last Thursday night, staying through Shabbos in preparation for the run that took place on Sunday. 400 cows were shechted, with over 100 found to be kosher.

Due to the unusual pressing nature of the run, only two Lubavitchers – the Schochtim – were at the plant during the run, a sharp change in policy from previous CHK standards. In all previous CHK Hechsher meat runs, both the Bodkim for the inside and outside (Bedikas Pnim and Bedikas Chutz) at the very least, were Lubavitchers.

After Shchita by Lubavitch Shochtim, the meat was passed onto the regular, non-Lubavitch, staff of Solomon’s, where the high standards of the OU were held during the processing of the meat.

Processing complete, the Kosher for Pesach meat was prepared for transport to Crown Heights and packaged for “770 Glatt Kosher” the new brand that the Chabad Shchita meat will be distributed under. Packaging of the meat shows the Hechshers of both the CHK and the OU-Glatt.


  • Reader

    Weissmandl is the same Shochet and same cows the meat & chicken that goes to Boro Park or Monsey they put Weissmandl Sticker and the ones that go to CH they put a CHK sticker.

    • check you facts

      i can tell you first had that what you are saying is completely false, fake news!

  • Eli

    Not true. Regarding meat, Lubavitch has a special team exclusively comprised of Lubavitch members at Agri. CHK even cancels runs when they donโ€™t have enough Lubavitchers.

    As for chicken, they intermingle.

  • Yehuda

    Did the CHK have everyone’s utensils kosherized from the unacceptable Agri Shechita?

    Did Solomons kosherize the plant after this run for the ones that don’t use Lubavitch Shoichtim?

  • So confused

    How is this considered under the CHK hechsher if the CHK is not upholding it’s usual standards?

  • Dovid

    Anyone familiar with kashrut standards understands that the situation at the Agari factory was not up to chk standards . CHK took action by dismissing the responsible individual and appointing a more competent replacement to address the issues. Rather than supporting efforts to improve kashrut practices, your website seems to be opposing CHK and disseminating inaccurate information.

  • Levi

    Rabbi Weissmandel disagrees that Lubavitch will start first the Shchita in the morning . forbid, his meat will not pass through Lubavitch’s waters. Not only does he practically want to control Lubavitch’s kashrut, so he opened the new “Lubavitch” kashrut together with the owner of the factory and took someone he can manage, so he can control the Lubavitch market, and no need listen to the rabonim

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