Rabbi Chaim Dalfin: The Oldest Brooklyn Shul in Boro Park Stolen and Illegally Demolished
Author and Historian Rabbi Chaim Dalfin takes on what he termed the stealing and demolition of the oldest Shul in Boro Park, Chevra Anshei Lubawitz on 12th Ave.
moshe d golem
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Moses karpen
meyer cheinYe quess
Lubavitch is like the old soviet union He who fails to take things for himself suffers
Hi rabbi dalfin
,i would like to bring up a point that you made that as Hungarians they have no right to say what happens to a lubavitch shul, if that is so why did Oberlander and Koves steal our kozincy shul and kehila in Budapest from its rightful Hungarians ? and you know as well i that they did it because of money,