BDE: Mrs. Harriett Sklar, 83, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Harriett Sklar OBM, a member of the Montreal Jewish community. She passed away on the 29th of Adar 1, 5784.

She was 83 years old.

She is survived by her children; Esther Fass (Crown Heights), Bassi Dubov (Israel), as well as many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The Levayoh will take place IY”H be in Montreal, Chesed Shel Emes – 935 Beaumont Ave. Burial will be following the levaya at Burial de la Savane 5101 de le Savane.

Shiva will take place in Montreal Sunday-Tuesday 10am to 930pm, Wednesday 10am 12noon, at
5700 cavendish Blvd #1808. Shiva on Thursday will take place at 10:00-2 4-10pm, and Friday Shiva will take place at 760 Montgomery St Apt 1a Bklyn NY 11213.

To donate לעולים נשמת Email info to Or call 514-342-5999 Ext 0

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – חנה חי׳ה בת צבי הירש

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