Meat Issue in Chabad: Real or Fake? Is it Another “Tunnel” Bombshell

Rabbi Chaim Dalfin boils down the newest controversy in Chabad, the CHK and AgriStar, into what he believes is the base issue. Do you trust the Rabbonim running one Hechsher, or another?


  • Anonymous

    An important question is does the CHK serve all of ANaSh everywhere or only in Crown Heights.

  • Not convincing

    So then if a husband gives his wife a get at night, and his newly divorced wife then accepts kiddushin from another man the next morning everything is b’seder?

    • Zerubavel

      Please do not marry any bais din…. they are there just for kashrus certification purposes, and you can totally be changed without a get

  • Dovid

    Problem is that based on the news that is coming out, it sounds like Agri may have tried to play hardball with CHK in order to bring in another hechsher. So, regardless of the people running the new hechsher (and even if they are just as machmir), the wrong thing was done.

  • Anonymous

    The scandal as it is becoming clear –
    Agri offered to produce special runs for CHK to be sold at a 20 percent increase in price for those Chumros. THATS WHEN THE CHK DECIDED TO REMOVE THEIR HECHSHER.

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